

We believe that post-sales customer support is just as important as guaranteeing the quality of our products.


Our machines are also designed with a view to easy installation. Our simpler machines can be easily self-installed by the customer following the instructions in the user and maintenance manual.
More complex systems, on the other hand, are installed by Norblast technical personnel, who take care of all the tasks required to get the system up and running on the customer’s premises.


To help our customers achieve maximum performance from our machines, we provide training sessions for operating personnel, technicians and/or supervisors, and maintenance operatives. Courses can be organized at our headquarters or on-site at the customer’s premises, and are always held by qualified Norblast technicians.

Training aims to give the customer independence not only in management and maintenance of the machine, but also in troubleshooting, learning standard procedures.
At the end of the course, all participants will receive a certificate of attendance.


Norblast guarantees on-site technical assistance at the customer’s premises throughout the entire life cycle of each machine. Periodic maintenance plans can be shared and agreed, as well as personalized assistance based on the needs of each customer.
For automatic systems equipped with PLC, application software is available with scheduled maintenance plans communicated directly by the machine. It is also possible to activate a remote assistance service that allows our customers to connect to us and receive technical support via modem or teleconferencing directly at the facility where the machine is located. This service can be used in the event of a machine fault or when operating instructions are required. This extremely effective form of communication allows quick response times and lower costs. With a secure connection through a router on the customer’s machine, Norblast technicians are able to work directly on machines installed on the customer’s premises.