Molds are used in many different production sectors, with a great variety of processes and materials.

Competition in this industry is very high and strongly focused on process costs.
As a result, players seek to gain a competitive edge through process automation and optimization.
We are very familiar with the issues of mold machining and design our machines to provide fast, automated processes, so as to offer improved management of resources and production.

In a sector that encompasses such diverse processes and materials, clearly defined goals are essential.
We design specific solutions ranging from mold cleaning and controlled roughness, to “orange-peel finishing” and post-EDM finishing, to name just a few.
Our customized approach to machine design is key in achieving set goals.


Molds roughness reduction

The high roughness of the mold surface makes the detachment of the piece more complicated, affecting the downstream automatic processes.

The roughness reduction process on the mold is particularly complicated; both in terms of the required skills of the operator and, above all, of the time required. Given the often complex geometries associated with molds, polishing is a process that must be carried out manually.

Norblast has developed a treatment capable of activating, in a few minutes, the surface to be polished; this treatment is capable of reducing the subsequent polishing times from several tens of minutes (even hours) to a few minutes. The treatment can be carried out either manually or automatically up to a fully robotised solution.

Molds cleaning

In order to maintain the quality of the final product, the use of molds requires constant cleaning of the dies.

The cleaning of the mold must take place with constancy on all surfaces, even the most complex. The process must also be carried out without introducing surface changes or, even worse, creating damages that are difficult to repair.

Norblast has developed a process capable of cleaning the surface of the mold by significantly reducing the criticalities related to more or less complex surfaces; all this is done while respecting the quality of the surface. The treatment can be carried out either manually or automatically up to a fully robotised solution.